Saturday, August 6, 2011


another ring around the sun
another moment reflecting it all
a circle
a seed
measured in miles and millimeters
counted in days and seasons
opens to what is immeasurable

like the first day
this day
ancient and fresh
known and unknowable
mundane and miraculous

in this body
in this world

mattering humming energy
energy shimmering matter
everything speaking
everything listening
within itself
around an atom
around the sun

dancing these roles
as waves
dancing on an unmoving sea
as clouds
forming and reforming in a silent sky
as human
hoping and fearing within an expanse of love

to have this one day is a gift
to have so many days
so many adventures
so many dark nights dawning in bright mornings
so many encounters opening to friendships
is a blessing beyond measure

This birth of me
the birth of you
the birth of life
within itself

another ring around the sun
another moment reflecting it all
a circle
a seed
measured in miles and millimeters
counted in days and seasons
opens to what is immeasurable

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful. These words open a space inside me. Lovely. Thank you. xo
